
Rote Repetition

We want to teach our clients skills that become second nature or rote (think sight words or social scripts.) When working with adults, this can be an area in which he/she can be very successful since this skill is ingrained.  This is a good starting point with a client with sever speech impairment. Let's brainstorm together, what are rote speech tasks? 
Here are some I have used with my clients. 
  • Counting: 1-5 then 1-10....
  • Days of the week (DOW): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...  I typically start with Monday because the phoneme /m/ is typically easier for clients than /s/ for Sunday.
  • Months of the year (MOY):  January, February, March....
  • ABCs (ok to sing)
  • Songs:  Happy Birthday, hymns (for clients that would be familiar with these)
  • Poems and/or nursery rhymes can be used, but this is very client specific.
Now it's your turn--what are other speech tasks that are a rote skill?

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