
Phonology reminders and "No-Nos"

Generated by Barbara Hodson, PhD

1. Choose target words carefully. Do NOT choose words containing phonemes at same place of articulation as the Substitute during beginning cycles (e.g., not leaf or lip for child who substitutes /w/ for /l/).

2. Remember to review home production-practice cards at beginning of each session [but do not use these cards during the session unless they are for the same PATTERN (e.g., /s/ clusters last week and a different /s/ cluster this week. In this case, use only the new cards for Activity #1; then add in prior /s/ cluster cards for remaining activities, unless child becomes “overloaded.”)

3. Have Listening List [approximately 20 words that need not be carefully selected] on a large card or a separate paper BEFORE the session; then give the listening list to the parent at end of session with instructions for home practice.

4. Microphone MUST be near SPEAKER’S mouth (i.e., move microphone to child’s mouth when he/she is speaking and back to your mouth when you speak).

5. Aim for 100% correct production of the target [not the entire word].
Use models, tactile cues, amplifier, (i.e., whatever assists are necessary and then “fade” these as child gains facility). Do NOT allow child to repeatedly say the targets incorrectly. Each wrong production reinforces the old inaccurate kinesthetic image. If any words seem exceptionally difficult for a child—pull the card(s) and file away until a later time.

6. Do not allow “down time” even while child is coloring a card. Reminder: limit the time for the listening and coloring at the beginning of session.

7. During production-practice activities—child must say the target [once] before “taking a turn” for an activity (i.e., one for one). Reminder: change activities every 8-10 minutes; can use same activities every week.

8. Also good plan is alternating “active” away-from-table activity and quieter (sometimes at table).

9. Probing to determine specific target for next session must be done before child goes home.

10. Remember to incorporate a metaphonological activity.

11. Repeat Listening activity at very end of each session (good to have parent/caregiver read list this time.)

12. Reminder: Model the softest possible /s/. Practice this /s/ yourself before targeting /s/ clusters. “Back up” your production as much as needed until the child’s production sounds appropriate.

13. When targeting /r/, remember to prolong and exaggerate the vowel (rather than the /r/) and not to blend prematurely. Thus model /r/ (and perhaps pause if needed) –then open your mouth as wide as possible and prolong and emphasize the vowel. [During initial attempts, have child open mouth wide and avoid lip rounding.}

14. When targeting /l/ clusters—include a schwa initially between the first consonant and the /l/ (e.g., “kuhlay” [for clay]); For /r/ clusters, model /kr/ then say the vowel and rest of word (e.g., “krr . . ack” for crack.